Friday, January 4, 2013

Another footfall

When you pass through the air
your body leaves invisible eddies behind.
Of course you don’t see them.

But you can very nearly see them trailing
behind the bodies of others
if you settle.

If you slow your heart rate way down,
slow your breathing
nearly to a pause,

the people who walk by will seem
to be suspended for moments in time –
even very small movements will appear
startlingly clear.

A foot falls, lifting,
a swing forward
that lasts longer than
you could have imagined,
and then again.

It comes to you at a stroke
that each step is one of a kind.
Follow the foot upwards,
see the gait, the pacing.

You will never believe me
even if I tell you everything.

Arms swing, hands at the ends.

Of course I will finally tire of telling you this,
but then another one strides,
one strolls.

Some time ago I sat down;
I lowered my body
to the pavement.

I sat myself down
in the November sun;
my breath slowed to a pause;
I settled.

And now, finally, after many people
have passed me by
the sun has continued in its course,
and now I am at rest in the shadow
of the building across the street.

My turn has come to
show the world
what this body
can do.

I rise.

A foot falls, lifts,
swings for a long, lingering,
then another.

Have yourself a seat,
you will never see
anything quite like it;

if not me,
another will walk by
in good time.

If you settle,
really settle,
you might see the dust
swirling in the wake
of my falling foot.


marybeth said...

wow, Bert. Bravo. Very moving! (lol)

Unknown said...

Oh, the cadence in this is just perfect!