Thursday, June 4, 2015

Books make the man

These books are like old family photographs. They represent my heritage. 
The origin and development of my thoughts and beliefs are shelved here

These are less my ancestors,

but more like recent snapshots of people that I know.
And these are more like my current friends and acquaintances
waiting for me by my reading chair.

You can’t always tell a book by its cover, 
but the covers of my books will tell you a lot about who I am.

Click here for a Link to an essay on the books that have mattered to me. First posted on the 'Egg creme' blog site in December 2013. 

At some point I should make a poetry addendum - I'd start with T. S. Eliot - especially 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.' Here's a Youtube link - a little rough - of me reading an essay and the 'Prufrock' poem - about 18 minutes altogether. 

1 comment:

Trix said...

I enjoyed taking the time to review the poem with you. Our noise at night is not dull at all, as the peepers have returned now that it has finally rained. All is well. Thanks.