Thursday, April 28, 2016

Walk/ analogue

I push open the door/ walk/ analogue
is interesting/ looked up and smiled
at me/ it’s like one continuous/ crack
in the sidewalk/ looked up and smiled
at me/ analogue is interesting/ supper
was on the table/ looked up and
smiled at me/ it’s like one continuous/
crack in the sidewalk/ I pushed open
the door/ who did you see?/ looked
up and smiled at me/ it’s like one
continuous/ crack in the sidewalk/
looked up and smiled at me/ analogue
is interesting/ but the/ walk////////

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Cottontails and clouds

If you know how to look, you will still see shapes and forms in the clouds. When you were younger, you likely imagined they were bunnies or faces. I am still free to use my imagination at any time, but I am more likely to see bunnies hopping down here among the dew drenched clover on solid ground. To say that the shapes and forms we see in the ice crystals above us are merely random and abstract may well reflect a failure of our imagination. But the cloud never was actually a bunny.

What is it that we do not see with our minds – the empty expanses of green lawn or blue sky? What about the blackness in between the stars, those dots of bright light that we look for - a few stars that many people throughout time have imagined could be connected into a figure of Orion the hunter holding up the bunny that would sustain his less-than-imaginary life. I don’t think that the blackness is just a void, although most of what we do actually see when we look around us – upwards and downwards - are shapes and lines and points. Our imagination changes everything. Suddenly we see something in the middle of apparent emptiness.

Vapor floats above me, drifting towards where the Little Dipper is veiled behind brilliant blue repetitions of reflections of countless photons streaming through the morning air. In a moment, sun light stabbs through spaces in green leaves of trees into eyes that I had recently rubbed free of sleep. I think that I did in fact see two bunnies, their cotton tails the color of the cloud passing over my upturned head only two hours after dawn.

I imagined that the two bounding bunnies were together, but they were bunnies alive in my vision for only a very few seconds. And I did not stare long enough up at the cloud to see more than wisps of a cottontail.

Orion was napping.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Gulls fly

Link to video of gulls flying over the Kaw River with human commentary. ~ 1 min.

The gulls flew up under the rising sun, 
shining like a thousand candles 
reflecting from their bright wings 
the prayers of the willows weeping 
over the lapsing river, 
the waning moon, 
the wind ripples gleaming 
and the dawn’s early lightening.  
All together they cry, 
Mother, may I 
fly into the morning air? 
And Simon says, 
nothing to see here, 
move along, folks.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Toad Song

Link to 1 minute YouTube recording of 'Toad Song' Toads and human recorded outdoors, live, April 6, 2016 at The Garden Pond. It sprinkled a little. PG-13.

Toad song

The poor toads don’t listen to the news on NPR,
they’re out in the weather twenty-four hours a day.
Their only sports involve swimming
in the same small garden pond each and every day.

But you can hardly say that the dumb bastards
are utterly and irrevocably unhappy,
even though they can only carry just the one tune.
There’ll be ten thousand silently swimming tadpoles
come one sweet summer’s night in June.