When someone values a work more than the value the artist places on the time, effort, materials, and that creative intangible that has gone into that work, then the artist turns a profit and the economy of art increases.
Money is not an unimportant measure of the value of art, but there are many other measures that are more significant, more satisfying, more to the point.
Does art speak to you? Does it move you? Does it touch some part of your soul?
Art has value. Someone can buy or sell a piece of work. But joy, or meaning, or distress, or puzzlement, or beauty, or excitement, or mystery, or pain, or whatever cannot be expressed in an ordinary way -- are beyond the economy of art.
Nurture your unique expression of your experience of your life. Create. Sell your work as a reimbursement for your time and the development of your talent. Share your vision freely.
But the algorithm for the value of art will not compute.
What is this worth?
This is where it begins.
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