Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Law of Gravity

Everybody makes such a big thing out of gravity.
Well not everybody, really.
But there is this law now –
Newton wrote it –
or maybe that guy that dropped stuff
off the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa.
And I guess we all mostly go around following that law,
most of us, most of the time,
without thinking much about it,
I suppose that they still teach the thing in school.

Well, the day was windy
but my feet were being pulled down to the ground -
one foot after the other.
Kids were getting out of Central
and then I saw it
high up in the air,
I mean, way up high in the air,
a piece,
well it looked like a piece
of newspaper,
a whole piece, really –
drifting across the sky
making little dipsy doodles.
A kid ran under it like it was a kite
and then it blew over the street
and got caught in a tree.

It – that piece of newspaper –
didn’t defy the law of gravity, exactly –
it skirted it,
evaded it, temporarily,
aided and abetted by the wind,
of course.
I took a little running jump,
really not much more than a little leap –
the wind caught at my arms.
I didn’t get away with it.
Next time –
maybe I’ll lose a little weight,
run a little faster.
Maybe I could beat this law yet
when nobody’s looking.
Just gotta find the loophole.
Somebody’s gotta figure out there’s more to life
than this stupid old law of gravity.
Might as well be me.
That piece of newspaper almost got away.

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