Thursday, September 17, 2015

Band day

I don’t even believe in marching bands.
There’s no reason that they should exist.
But I wondered if God might have been
the very tall soldier playing a snare
in the Army band from Fort Riley.
He was at least a head taller than everyone else.

And Jesus looked like a young, black drum major.
Who knew she would be a high school girl?
But by the holy ghost,
I wept and prayed,
when the fat girl fell down to her knees
at the very end of the parade,
on the last of the summer’s green grass in South Park,
And then a short skinny girl took up
her golden baritone sax
and they walked slowly away,
arms around each other.

When the music died
all the marching bands
walked off the street.
I sat and waited for the world to end.

Then I stuck a feathered plume into my hat,
and called it macaroni,
and I hitched a ride on the last yellow school bus
for McClouth.
For some moments, I had had some doubts.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I missed Band Day last year. Instead, saw the monarchs outside of town. Don't know if both festivities were on the same day this year.