Wednesday, January 30, 2019

I leaned in

      I leaned in
 Bert Haverkate-Ens

I leaned over the sink
and was struck
full in the face,
really, it was more
of a glancing blow,
no really,
it was a warm caress,
so unexpected
that I nearly ducked
my head.
Well, I dodged,
and then I leaned in.
It was only the winter sun,
looking in,
only to touch my face,
only to remind me
of its concern.
I left the dishes
and ran off with the sun.
Really, we walked together,
silently, warm against the cold,
remembering old times.


Trix said...

Winter sun: when it comes here, it is such a joy. I'm reading a book called Circe. She is a daughter of the sun. It is a great book--well written and of course, great story telling.

Bert Haverkate-Ens said...

I wrote this poem about five years ago. I was reminded of it again when leaned in.