Monday, January 9, 2012


Sunset January 2, 2012 Scheduled: 5:10 pm. Observed: a few minutes before.

Looking to the east over the Central Middle School football field just over the rim of gray, winter branches begins a near-mauve coloring, then rose, into peach, salmon, lighter pinks until the sky is blue – sky blue – the deepest blue overhead, most of the sky between east and west is clear blue sky, and as your gaze arcs over toward the west, yellows start to come into view as you look past the backlit flags on top of Fraser, becoming the yellowest the closest to the horizon that is closest to the sun, but never green, as we were taught the blending of blue and yellow should make in school. And none of the red tints that are rich in the east.

Who, what, where, how, why?

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