Friday, May 18, 2012

I licked a lime once

I licked a lime once.
Full across its face.
Always used to be a Kroger’s frozen concentrate additional pulp orange juice guy.

Now I’m wondering:
Is there anything else I should have tried all these years,
was it the waiting all these years, drinking that orange juice, day after day, that made finally licking that lime so remarkable?

Not that the sensation was so very special,
I still prefer orange juice.

But the impulse -
Doing the deed I hadn’t done before.

I’m considering walking backwards all the way across the Kaw River Bridge…
maybe on my sixty- sixth birthday…
unless I tipple over the railing the day before…
from sheer giddiness.

T.S. Eliot considered whether to eat a peach or not.
Robert Frost took a lesser-used path.

And I,
I licked a lime once.

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