Thursday, October 16, 2014

Kaw River: From the levee

Orion fades in front of me,
Venus smiling over my left shoulder.
There is some dark reflection
but mostly the sound
of the rushing water, water
falling, rushing over, water
over the steps of the dam.

The sound masks the music -
no – it’s the noise of the few cars
crossing the bridge,
headlights last gleaming,
the age exhausted.

The river offers no reproach,
but it speaks, in tones too high
for prairie dogs, in tones too low
for human ears.

Humankind speaks of persistence,
of perseverance. The river
speaks of patience.
It will carry the water,
the waters of waters,
it will carry the soil
of the banks
that the river carves from its banks.
It will carry all down to the sea.

But it will not carry our waste,
our chemicals, our carelessness,
And one day –
the river will wait
as long as it must wait –
it will not have to carry us.
We will be gone.

And the sound of river
will sound only of the river.
The river will only be.

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