Thursday, October 22, 2015

Almost an interesting conversation

I am an inveterate eavesdropper.
The other day, I overheard parts of a conversation.
“Conversation” was one of their words, actually,
and “people my own age.”
And other fragments:
“older people” and “physics, that must be hard.”

I could have perhaps butted in.
But I was at least twice their age -
and male.
They were two young women, walking.

It’s tough to meet people
who want to have a conversation
at any age.
I know that sometimes eyes glaze over when I say
I write poetry,
so instead I talk about the weather
and about what I did the other day.

I might have butted in.
What’s the worst that could have
happened? They might have given me
empty smiles and quickly turned away from me.

What were the chances that we could
have had anything interesting to say
to each other, anyway?

Oh, it was almost a beautiful day.
And I almost overheard an interesting conversation
the other day.

1 comment:

Trix said...

"butted in" is such a funny description, isn't it? You'd think it would be "fronted in."