Friday, June 9, 2017

Coming and going on the midnight train

All of my posts are personal in the sense that they are my voice and they say something about me. This one is personal in a different way. I am posting a video/slideshow of a day with Dawn and my very good friends. No great intimacy has been harmed in the making of this film. Well, if you know the people, there might be some interesting details to tell. But not without their permission - you could ask them - or me - for yourself.

I suggest that you click on the link to Alison Krauss's YouTube in a separate window and then the link to GaFrDaBe. You can listen to her and watch my little film at the same time. You'll have to work around the ads and the videos won't time out perfectly. But we did go down to the river. And there are other correlations. Or you could just listen to Alison Krause and watch her sing. You know - you might do both - apart - together - more - or less. It's up to you.

The four of us chose to become friends more than thirty years ago. We didn't have to remain connected - they have been living in Germany and Switzerland. I'm not entirely sure how our friendship happened - and continues. We did make some choices - but not all of them.

The randomness of the universe creates interesting possibilities. We saw them off on the midnight train. They had a sleeper car and the conductor shushed us as we waved and hollered goodbye through the open door window as the Amtrak Super Chief began to pull out of the Lawrence station heading west. Apparently the people in car 330 were trying to sleep.

Memories and mystery remain.

As always, I am open to a conversation. If you leave questions in the comments section I will try to answer myself - there or in a private message.

As I go down to the river to the river ...


1 comment:

Trix said...

enjoyed it.