Thursday, March 1, 2018


A friend and I had been walking along the river when we came to where the levee trail meets the Kaw River Bridge and paused to look back at the river. Several dozen geese must have been startled up into flight from where they had been resting on the river behind the Bowersock hydroelectric power plant. Not knowing that we were there, the geese flew sharp around the corner of the building, directly towards the space between the bridge and the levee where my friend and I were standing. 

With no time to change their course, the geese flew towards us in some disarray, fast and close, just over our heads, wings beating hard against the air. We – and several geese - were nearly eye to eye for just a few seconds. And then, just as quickly, the geese had dodged past us and had banked back towards the river over on the other side of the bridge. There they came back together from their moments of individual frantic flight and formed up into their characteristic ‘V’ formations. The geese flew steadfastly away, heading north.

My friend and I crossed the bridge, heading home.

1 comment:

Trix said...

cool. wish I'd been there. National Geographic did a piece recently about bird migration patterns. amazing creatures.