Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bras across the Kaw

Walking across the river Kaw one October day,
bras of all colors and sizes were strung along the railing
from one end of the bridge to the other,
cups catching the wind, moving.
A nodding acquaintance approached -
he’s usually appreciative of the day -  
a couple of older men, crossing a bridge,
decorated with bras.
I cracked, “Are they having a sidewalk sale?”
He paused, already a step past me, then replied,
 “Where’s the rest of them?”
We laughed - and walked on.
Then … walking toward home,
Sarah Mclachlan was singing “In the Arms of the Angel”
from the jewelry store’s outdoor speakers.
I was already a step past when I heard something.
Call it music, call it poetry.
It’s what stops me.
Her voice: “…find some comfort here…”
I made a little circle
and stood underneath the speaker.
As I listened to the rest of the song,
I watched some of the rest of them walking by.
Oblivious to the music -
to impending death.
Embracing the day,
and the arm of the person they were with.

1 comment:

dawnmarie said...

I remember reading this a year ago and that it was your first "poem". Keeping the discipline of writing and posting for a year is a feat and I can see how it has enriched your life--helped you focus on meaning in the day to day of life.