Thursday, August 14, 2014

If you wait


If you wait for her –
so you wait –
not like it’s a date.
It’s the prelude to the prom;
the dance precedes the romance.
It’s too soon
in June, for the
the cicadas to croon.
The air too still
for the porch swing
to sing.
The light fades,
a star appears
and Mars nears
to keep you company.
And still she does not ascend.
It’s not for nothing
do you wait.
Not for love nor money
will she hold you.
Nor will she scold you if
in your impatience
you turn and go back inside.
And then, there she is,
not a minute
not a second too soon.
And the moment is not
a heartbeat too late.
Oh, so aged
and full of body she is,
yellowed and deliberate of pace.
But her face is for this -
alone, or perhaps
with a human kiss.
Her light reflects blue-white
as she arcs higher and higher.
She surely cares not
for you alone.
But if you wait for her,
surely she cares.

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