Thursday, April 5, 2018

Fire and Ice in February

                                                                                                       - with appreciation to Mr. Frost

There was a fine freezing mist in the air
and the feet from my bed were quite bare.
I saw an ice crystal blanket out on the ground.
I was surely old enough to come in out of the rain
and I knew without a doubt that it was damned cold.
That last, at least, I didn’t have to be told.

It certainly wasn’t summer
and I clearly wasn’t slumbering,
although it was at least three or four
o’clock in the morning.
And so without good sense,
I quietly stepped out the back door
in my twinkle-toed bed-warmed bare feet.

As it turned out, they were liars.
Ice doesn’t burn like fire,
Ice burns like ice.
Ice sears your skin
and makes your heart pound.

And by then I had completely lost the rhyme
and I plainly had no reason remaining.
My beating heart had suddenly caught fire.
And so like a blazing comet I sped
with my bathrobe tails flying behind.
I raced around the center of my universe –
that is to say my house - just the one time.
And then, hurriedly, I hurried back to my
cozy warm bed.

This much might be true:
you die only once
and so you might as well live
as if this was your first time.
Fire burns hot like a burning fire.
But sprinting across thin ice
just might suffice.


dawnmarie said...

The last two lines are the best. :-)

TRIX said...

I agree with Dawn. I like the humor.