Thursday, April 12, 2018

Spirit seeking

I went forth upon the land to see if there be any spirits still free.

From the levee to North Lawrence, from the Kaw River to the school, I went forth on my bicycle riding.

On the levee, I had passed by a woman, jogging along, sun-colored ponytail bobbing.

On a sidewalk, I had passed by a man, gray curly hair tucked under a cloth cap, azure tennis shoes shuffling.

On the bridge, I had passed by a woman, wind-whipped florescent pink sweatshirt wrapped around  waist walking.

On 7th Street, I had passed by a man, sweat-shiny black face carrying his forklift load high hand waving.

At NY Elementary School, children had passed me by, backpacks of every color as I had sat watching.

And then this scene, pictured here, I had passed it by on my quest. I will speak not now of signs and wonders. You can judge all for yourself.

Perhaps I might have found what I had sought, if I only had opened wider mine eyes. Perhaps there be spirits still free breathing among the strangers near meeting.


Trix said...

The sculpture and mailbox are very Lawrence. Love it!

Unknown said...

Where's that sculpture? I REALLY want to see it in person.