Thursday, April 19, 2018

The sycamores of South Park

I walked among the sycamores in South Park,
their limbs so smooth, outreaching.
Then like Quixote, I saw what wasn’t:
bare shouldered ladies
stately waltzing across the green.

If grass were wood,
if wood were sky,
if rainclouds came down to earth –
we would turn and turn and turn again.

And so then I joined the dance.
And together we splashed through yellow daffodils.
Fine mists settled on flushed cheeks and curled eyelashes.
Pink-tinged crab apple petals sprinkled down into our hair.

Their majesties swayed and circled with abiding grace,
their satin-bark gowns swirling,
their grass-slippered feet lightly touching the earth.

And when the music had finally ended,
I bowed down low before my ladies
and I walked once again
among the sycamores in South Park.

1 comment:

Trix said...

nice pictured painted. we are still waiting for spring here. a very long winter.